

The C8 Corvette is an incredible, affordable track-day car that easily achieves race car performance on track. Managing that kind of performance wearing nothing but a three-point seat belt is a chore and leaves a lot to be desired in terms of safety. That’s where we come in with the CMS Performance C8 Corvette Deluxe Harness Bar. Featuring the same rock-solid, high-strength design as our standard C8 Harness Bar, the Deluxe bar adds an innovative “main hoop” design, giving it a more aggressive look. This also gives you a place to mount an in-car motorsports video camera, like the AiM Sports SmartyCam GP HD. Of course, it provides high-strength mounting points for your harness shoulder straps to keep you firmly and safely in your seat.

The C8 Deluxe Harness Bar is the strongest, most elegantly designed C8 harness bar on the market. It seamlessly integrates into your C8 interior, preserves your rear view, and gives the C8 a big bump in cool factor, especially with a custom powder-coat color! The CMS C8 Deluxe Harness Bar allows full seat travel while locating your harness shoulder belts at the proper height for maximum on-track safety and security.

Installation requires no drilling or other modification of the chassis, and no modification of your upper center console trim. Some modification of your B-pillar lock/seat belt trim panels is required. We offer precision pre-cut panels to ease installation and save your originals if you need to put your C8 back to stock.

Made In USA